Einspruch II

Short film 7 min, 35mm

by Rolando Colla, with Waléra Kanischtscheff, Sara Capretti Original version in Russian
Category Shortfilm (fiction)
Film gauge 35mm, colour
Length 7 minutes 208 m
Speed 25F/sec.
Screen ratio 1: 1.66
Sound Optical Dolby Stereo SR

Original version Russian

Release date January 2001
Subtitles in English/French or German/French
Print value 330 $ (500.- CHF)
Video-tapes Digital betacam or Beta SP Preview-Tapes VHS PAL

Suisa-No. 134088

We thank for the support of: FTK -Filmtechnikerkollektiv, Egli-Film, Kodak, Sound Design Studios SDS, Megarent, Swiss effects, Susan Müller (Castingbüro), Afra Weidmann (augenauf), Durchgangszentrum Hinteregg, Zentrale Asylorganisation, Franziska Wirz, Rainer Trinkler, Drogerie Seefeld, Urs Imholz, Martina Piasevoli

World Sales: Swiss short film agency Philippe Clivaz Maupas 2 CH -1004 Lausanne, Switzerland Tel +41 21 311 09 06, Fax +41 21 311 03 25, info@shortfilm.ch, www.shortfilm.ch
Interfilm Berlin Managment GmbH Tempelhofer Ufer 1a D-10961 Berlin Tel +49 30 693 29 59, Fax +49 30 693 13 22 interfilm@interfilm.de, www.interfilm.de

Distribution Switzerland: Filmcoopi Zürich Postfach 1366 CH - 8031 Zürich, Switzerland Tel +41 44 448 44 22 - Fax +41 44 448 44 28 filmcoopi@filmcoopi.ch